"A literature Masterpiece of our Time"

"On the other hand, you have different fingers"
Design Dude
United States
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Useful Traits
Creative Thinking, Team Collaboration, Corporate Branding, Idea Visualization and Brainstorming, Problem-Solving, Campaign Development Expertise,
Critical Thinking, Strategic Planning and Alignment, Research and Development and Anything else!
The Lion King, Jurassic Park, Die Hard, Space Jam, Bad boys, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Independence Day, Transformers, Moana, The Rundown, and anything directed by Michael Bay.
Band of Brothers, Planet Earth (anything narrated by David Attenborough), The Walking dead, The Office, Parks and Rec, New girl, Talespin, Star Trek, and any documentary about WW2
Jurassic Park.
Conan's Interests
Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, After Effects, Light Room, Powerpoint, Word, Excel, Outlook, Procreate, Affinity, Sketch, Figma, Asana, Monday, Trello, Slack, Wordpress, Shopify, Wix, and many more!
Crafting Crazy Cool Concoctions
Conan's latest project pages:
Apparel Portfolio (view more)
Branding Portfolio (view more)
Print Portfolio (view more)
Web Design Portfolio (view more)
Digital Portfolio (view more)
Illustrations Portfolio (view more)
Presentations Portfolio (view more)
Marketing Portfolio (view more)
Conan's Blurbs
About me:
Experienced Marketing Manager.
Seasoned Creative Director.
Accomplished Graphic Designer.
Creative Concoction Crafter.
Talented Creative Director proficient in business operations and customer needs. Excellent communicator, problem solver and detail-oriented manager. Adept at overseeing writers, designers, and artists to accomplish challenging objectives. Deadline-oriented and focused on overseeing all phases of projects. Successful at creating brand messages, strategies, and key graphic productions. Resourceful and hardworking with know-how to produce top-notch content.
I am a firm believer that Creativity comes from within, like the really gooey squishy part of your insides... maybe by the liver or something?
"Ambition is like a frog sitting on a Venus Flytrap. The flytrap can bite and bite, but it won't bother the frog because it only has little tiny plant teeth. But some other stuff could happen and it could be like ambition."
- Jack Handey